
Integrating AI into the Sitevision editor interface

How can AI help editors and visitors to your site? What are the challenges and opportunities? Van Hoa Nguyen from HiQ is Sitevision Most Valuable Professional 2023 and is visiting our blog to talk about an upcoming integration with Sitevision.

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No one said writing should be easy, right? Especially when idea drought and poor imagination come into play. When you're also required to maintain a certain level of quality, while ensuring readability for different types of user groups, it can feel like a huge uphill battle before you've even written the first word.

A content creation coach

Imagine having an assistant sitting next to you, acting as a sounding board and coach for you in your content creation. An assistant who can proofread and correct you when you make mistakes under stress. Someone who supports you and gives you tips when you feel that you have zero inspiration. Someone to help you write a text when you are in a hurry.

For users with disabilities, this assistant can be invaluable and an opportunity to participate on an equal footing with their colleagues. Statistics show that between 10-30% of the Swedish population External link. (in Swedish) has some form of disability. This type of assistance will be increasingly in demand.

AI as an editorial assistant

We in the Sitevision team at HiQ External link. are currently in the process of finding and developing fun solutions on how we can best integrate AI as an editorial assistant in Sitevision. We envision an assistant like Clippy in Microsoft Word, but a smarter, more helpful assistant – and someone you can talk to.

We can see the following benefits of an integrated AI assistant in the editor interface:

  • Increased efficiency
    • Reduces time spent on drafting, which in turn allows editors to focus on more and different tasks.
    • Possibility to write short and content-rich texts, which can be difficult without assistive technology. With the support of AI, it is much easier.
  • Improved quality
    • Reduces grammatical errors and helps with sentence structure - which in itself increases readability.
    • Produces easy-to-read summaries of long texts, making content accessible to users with cognitive disabilities or dyslexia, for example.
    • AI can also help suggest keywords, meta descriptions and headings that are optimized for SEO, improving content visibility and reach.
  • Enhanced creativity
    • AI can provide a creative boost by suggesting new ideas and perspectives that the editor may not have considered.
    • It can help with brainstorming using a few keywords.
    • You can get an analysis of the rhythm of the text and get suggestions on how to adapt your writing to create more dynamic and engaging content.
  • Making content creation more accessible for people with different types of disabilities
    • Speech-to-text can help editors with literacy difficulties such as dyslexia.
    • Grammar and spell checking
      • AI can help users with dyslexia by automatically correcting spelling and grammatical errors, reducing the cognitive load and frustration that people might otherwise experience when creating content.
    • AI-driven predictive text (suggesting how words should end) and autocompletion can help users with motor impairments and users who have difficulty writing for other reasons (a temporarily plastered arm, for example). It can be a valued tool that makes the writing process faster and less physically demanding.

Challenges and opportunities

While AI brings a lot of benefits, there are of course also challenges that we need to address before we can start integrating and using AI.

These integrations usually require technical expertise, which also usually means a higher initial investment. In addition to the initial work, there is also ongoing maintenance and necessary updates to ensure that the functionality is and remains optimal.

However, we see that integrating AI into Sitevision's editorial interface has enormous potential to revolutionize editorial work. Improving accessibility is not just a matter of making content available to a wider audience - it also means empowering editors with different disabilities to fully participate in content creation.

Last but not least, it is important to keep in mind that AI integrations need to be seen as a tool and something that needs to be balanced with human oversight to ensure quality and facts. However, if we can improve content quality, increase creativity and provide tools that support a wider user community, AI can be a fun and invaluable tool for editors.



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